When I was a little girl, my maternal grandparents had an artificial tree. It was the first one I ever saw. I remember thinking how hideous and unnatural it looked, all silver and shiny....and spindly. At the time, I was too young to know anything about aluminum Christmas trees, had no idea such a thing existed outside of my grandparent's home. I couldn't fathom why they liked it or that anyone else would have such an ugly Christmas tree. I had no idea that it was a fashionable trend at the time.
While looking for some information about aluminum Christmas trees for this post, I discovered that there is an actual Aluminum Tree Museum. Who knew? Who would want it?
I couldn't help myself, I had to click on the link to see what on earth was on the site. Touting itself as "The World's Only Museum Dedicated to Vintage Aluminum Trees", it's the only place (online, at least) where you can get glimpses of aluminum trees past. Oye. Maybe you'll love these but they are not my cup of tea.
If you want to have a look-see, here's the link: Aluminum Christmas Trees - Only Vintage Museum.