A Buy Nothing Christmas

Some people might think I'm nuts for doing this but I'm going to plug another site here. I came across it while searching for a different Christmas topic and was intrigued enough to go and read this 'A Buy Nothing Christmas' Alternatives page. Just click on the name, it's linked and will take you to where I'm talking about.

There are quite a few suggestions for making low or no cost gifts, adopting an animal species on the brink of extinction, recycling and bunches more, all for Christmas gift giving. The point obviously, is to avoid buying the traditionally expensive presents that have become synonymous with the season.

So many of us suffer overwhelming consumerism at this time of year. We buy stuff nobody needs and that we can't afford. That's not always the case, certainly, but sometimes it seems that things have spiraled out of control. I just think that it would be nice to step back a little and give more from the heart than the credit card. Gee, that sounds a little cynical, doesn't it. Guess, I'd better dig out my Santa hat and start getting into the spirit more myself.

Meantime, check out the site. You might find some ideas that are perfect for the people on your list this year without having to spend a fortune. It's fun to make personal gifts or to give something totally unique and extra thoughtful. The recipients will love it, too!

Have Something to Share with Christmas Canada Readers?

Have an interesting Canadian Christmas story to share or an organization that could use a little exposure to help their cause at Christmas time? Maybe you'd like a shot at guest posting. Just send an email to iamannea@yahoo.ca to have your submission considered. All serious inquiries will receive a response.